Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, December 22, 2023, 9:30 AM
Town Square
Salaries, benefits increase as school superintendents become harder to find
Original post made on Dec 24, 2023
Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, December 22, 2023, 9:30 AM
Comments (1)
a resident of Las Lomitas School
on Dec 24, 2023 at 6:29 am
LLESD Resident is a registered user.
One must include in this list the two effective superintendents at Las Lomitas Elementary School District (student population of 1,150 at two school sites - a K-3 and a 4-8) - one supe on indefinite medical leave and still drawing full salary (rather than disability) and one interim supe - not to mention an assistant supe. The regular and interim supes each make $301K/yr in base salary for a total of over $600K/yr - and the assistant supe is around $260K/yr. In stark comparison, the hard-working Sequoia Union High School District supe (student population 9,800 at ten school sites - all 9-12) earns $292K/yr and the assistant supe makes around $235K/yr.
The LL supe brought in an assistant supe a few years ago, which was controversial at the time, but now they just keep hiring them. The interim supe is rarely in the office. Seems LLESD admin is a bit bloated and enriching themselves at the expense of the students and teachers. They have reduced instructional hours to the state minimum, have spent millions (including teacher time) on equity initiatives (mostly with controversial, private, for-profit groups), and have lowered standards of curriculum. We've gotten off track. Time for a change!
Three LLESD Board seats are coming open in the next November election. Would be nice to bring back fiscal and academic responsibility to our once sought-after public schools.
In the meantime, perhaps we should alert a taxpayer watchdog organization, like Web Link
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