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To fix classrooms and shore up creek bank, Woodside Elementary district set to vote on $36 million bond measure

Original post made on Nov 17, 2023

The Woodside Elementary School District will decide whether to ask voters to approve a $36 million facilities bond measure at a special meeting later this month.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Thursday, November 16, 2023, 5:10 PM

Comments (3)

Posted by Karl
a resident of Portola Valley: Westridge
on Nov 17, 2023 at 8:59 am

Karl is a registered user.

Absurd. There is no accountability. Think about the incredible revenue windfall over the last 20 years because of higher property tax due to Prop 13 attrition (property turnover).

And piers failing after only a decade is unacceptable. Again, no accountability. Sadly, education is like the defense budget where spending has little to do with actual performance. BTW, this is what we get for our money:

Web Link

SCORECARD for Woodside High: 83.82
Took at Least One AP Exam: 48%
Passed at Least One AP Exam: 42%
** Mathematics Proficiency: 40%
** Reading Proficiency: 64%
** Science Proficiency: 31%
Graduation Rate: 92% <-- How is this reconciled with the highlighted criteria

Posted by SSG
a resident of Woodside School
on Nov 17, 2023 at 12:15 pm

SSG is a registered user.

Please note this is for Woodside Elementary School (WES), not for Woodside High (which the other comment references). Major improvements on school campuses are typically paid for by larger capital investments, not the property taxes the other comment mentions as well.

As a parent of two children at Woodside Elementary, I have seen firsthand the significant damage caused by last winter's storms. Like so many roads and other infrastructure in the state, we need to fix the situation after those storms. Further, the increase in things like wildfires and poor air quality, which are also caused by natural forces outside the school's control, has meant that the school can do less in terms of natural ventilation and needs more HVAC capabilities.

With regard to the other requests, the state requires the school to expand its TK access, but with no funds to update classrooms to meet these requirements.

WES has not requested funds for a decade and these are capital investment funds that are above and beyond the maintenance of the school. The school community already raises substantial funds to support the maintenance of the school -- but it cannot raise enough to address these significant infrastructure issues.

Posted by Whatsit
a resident of Atherton: West of Alameda
on Nov 17, 2023 at 1:27 pm

Whatsit is a registered user.

Just because the funds are applied to buildings and land does not make them capital expenditures. The article describes them as “repairs” so unless the assets have exceeded their expected life time they should be treated as, and should have been PLANNED FOR as maintenance.

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