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San Mateo County Board of Supervisors agrees that sheriff's office needs some type of oversight

Original post made on Nov 2, 2023

Following more than eight hours of public discussion, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors determined that the sheriff’s office needs some form of oversight, but the shape of it remains to be seen.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Thursday, November 2, 2023, 9:40 AM

Comments (8)

Posted by Joseph E. Davis
a resident of Woodside: Emerald Hills
on Nov 2, 2023 at 10:53 am

Joseph E. Davis is a registered user.

The county should be very careful before doing anything that makes it harder for the police to do their job. What's happened in San Francisco and Alameda County has been an absolute disaster.

Posted by Thoughtful
a resident of Atherton: other
on Nov 2, 2023 at 1:55 pm

Thoughtful is a registered user.

Don't audit the SMC treasurer's office. It could breed distrust and dysfunction they're not doing their job properly.

Same with Apple, Google, Facebook. They don't need audited financials. By doing so, we're saying we don't trust the management there. This probably hurts the share price for those of us with investments.

I'm not sure we need a Board of Supervisors either. Let the County Manager do his job without interference. This model drives too many wedges.

Let's disband the IRS also. We don't trust our own citizens to self-report taxes correctly?

The anti oversight arguments are NONSENSE, coming from someone who supports law enforcement being tough when it's required to fight crime.

For example, I believe the no bail is nuts. I believe the "don't arrest for under $1,000" is nuts.

But I also don't believe police need to be able to kill a civilian with impunity as a practical matter to be able to be tough on crime. Chinedu Okobe was not a threat to any person's life when he was killed.

Oversight will lead to better policing. The members of any civilian board have a self interest in preventing crime in their neighborhoods. They also have a self interest in making sure none of their friends, family and loved ones are victims of police misconduct.

Let's face it, any of us would also grumble about having a boss or check and balance on us if we've gone years and decades without it.

The grumblings are all noise.

This oversight board is badly needed.

Posted by Joseph E. Davis
a resident of Woodside: Emerald Hills
on Nov 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

Joseph E. Davis is a registered user.

> The members of any civilian board have a self interest in preventing crime in their neighborhoods.

I wish I believed that, but some of the insane activists that get appointed to these things seem to have no such interest whatsoever. Look at the San Francisco police commission.

Posted by Menlo Lifestyle
a resident of Menlo Park: Suburban Park/Lorelei Manor/Flood Park Triangle
on Nov 3, 2023 at 11:18 am

Menlo Lifestyle is a registered user.

Isn't that what the Board of "Supervisors" are supposed to do?

Posted by Menlo Voter.
a resident of Menlo Park: other
on Nov 3, 2023 at 12:42 pm

Menlo Voter. is a registered user.

"Isn't that what the Board of "Supervisors" are supposed to do?"

Yes they are, but how did that work under Munks and Bolanos? Both of them were caught in a house of prostitution featuring underage girls and what came of it. What action did the board of supervisors take. ABSOLUTELY NONE. If that is what we have to rely on for police oversight in this county, a distinct group of people dedicated to the job are needed.

Posted by gtspencer
a resident of Atherton: West of Alameda
on Nov 4, 2023 at 2:08 pm

gtspencer is a registered user.

I think the bigger question is why are people leaving the sheriff's department in record numbers. It's not the threat of's poor leadership.

Posted by MPvoter
a resident of Menlo Park: South of Seminary/Vintage Oaks
on Nov 4, 2023 at 7:13 pm

MPvoter is a registered user.

Sheriff Corpus has been in office less than a year. Please give her a chance to make the changes she wants to make. Cultural change takes time.

I wonder why staff is leaving in droves. Are they afraid of being found out?

And by all means, fund the department sufficiently to hire a full staff. How can we criticise the department when they are not fully staffed?

Spending money we don’t have on a civilian oversight board just doesn’t make sense. I agree that periodic review and progress checks by existing entities makes more sense.

Posted by Menlo Voter.
a resident of Menlo Park: other
on Nov 5, 2023 at 7:17 am

Menlo Voter. is a registered user.

Deputy Spencer:

Nice to hear from you again. Things getting a little uncomfortable for you and others of questionable character in the Sheriffs Department? The leadership is fine. The Sheriff is doing what she was elected to do, clean up a corrupt department. It is a big, difficult job considering how long the department has been in the state its been in. Not to mention the other corruption in our county, especially the DA's office. Wagstaff is the next that needs to go.

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