Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, October 27, 2023, 11:52 AM
Town Square
Discrimination claim filed against administrators over arrest of Menlo-Atherton High student in April
Original post made on Oct 27, 2023
Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, October 27, 2023, 11:52 AM
Comments (11)
a resident of Atherton: West Atherton
on Oct 27, 2023 at 1:03 pm
DM is a registered user.
It’s an absolute waste of tax payers money to be for an administration and police department who will go at all lengths to cover up such corruption and violate children let alone citizens rights . Many if not all should be fired and they should pay the bill for what they’ve done to this student let alone more victims. They are not above the law!!!
a resident of another community
on Oct 27, 2023 at 1:20 pm
Hmmm is a registered user.
So his advocates admit KC has an “emotional disturbance”, or more specifically is emotionally disturbed, but they pretend it didn’t greatly contribute to and make worse all that happened that day.
What earlier steps did KC’s family or other advocates take to improve his situation at M-A? Why not move him to a more suitable school?
Oh, and how is the original victim in the situation, the school administrator, faring? Is he still at M-A?
a resident of another community
on Oct 27, 2023 at 1:49 pm
TruthBTold is a registered user.
This will never end up in court. An administrator was shoved, hit, spat on, and called homophobic slurs and the student is suing HIM?! I would like to know what is being done for this administrator, are we talking more openly about homophobia to the students as a result of this? The cops should have been and were called, I don't care what skin color the student has, that is standard procedure for when you feel that there is a situation where someone is being physically harmed or threatened and feel unsure of your own safety. This article also makes it seem that being "emotionally disturbed" advocates for violence and ignoring the law.
a resident of Woodside: other
on Oct 27, 2023 at 2:28 pm
pogo is a registered user.
Today's world. The bad guy is the victim. Unfortunately, that sells here in California.
a resident of Menlo-Atherton High School
on Oct 27, 2023 at 4:13 pm
DM is a registered user.
It’s beyond belief that these comments come without facts and known evidence . For people to comment on non facts is showing why this administration and police can let the folks of menlo pay and hopefully it goes to truths. Let’s go to court and show how bad the system in place
Children matter let alone so do minorities
So for all you who think it’s okay to hurt a minority child your wrong and lives matter
a resident of Menlo Park: Central Menlo Park
on Oct 27, 2023 at 5:09 pm
WP is a registered user.
I watched the video and read about when this happened. The school bent over backwards to protect and look after this disturbed student. I hope the school and district with vigorously contest the suit, feels like some lawyers hustling to intimidate the school district and its employees into coughing up a settlement. I hope they don't. The school employees and police were doing their jobs that day, to protect the learning environment. They took his squirt gun and he was upset about it?? Oh boo hoo. I don't think race had anything to do with it. Just a disruptive kid who was unaccustomed to being held accountable for his behavior.
a resident of Menlo Park: other
on Oct 27, 2023 at 7:01 pm
Menlo Voter. is a registered user.
Are you saying the young man didn't assault the administrator? Are you saying he cooperated with the police? What color is the sky in your world?
a resident of Menlo Park: Park Forest
on Oct 27, 2023 at 8:17 pm
Peter Carpenter is a registered user.
The beauty of a law suit and a trial is that the facts will prevail. However this is an expensive way to confirm what is already known - the young man was the perpetrator, not the victim.
a resident of Menlo Park: Linfield Oaks
on Oct 28, 2023 at 5:57 pm
Holden Thomson is a registered user.
I go to this school.
The whole thing has been blown out of proportion. The incident occurred, and yes, it was bad. Many things could have been done, but it's in the past, and there are so many different sides to the incident that it is no use arguing.
As for the aftermath, a few things happened. The school handled it very well, and the guy who called the cops took a leave of absence. They encouraged us to talk to administration about any issues or insight we had, and they also explained that they did not intend for and were positioned against the violent treatment of the kid by police. People forgot about it all a week or two later, and the kids who still brought it up are just being annoying.
The students at the school organized a mini-protest and two walkouts, both of which were just wanna-be radio rebel moments. The protest was just dumb; they protested the police's treatment of the kid, but the event began on school grounds. I have no problem with it, though, and neither does administration, because they did not make a mess and/or cause chaos on school grounds. The walkouts were pathetic. There were two, each consisting of a few students who thought that they were rebelling against some dystopian school à la 1984, and a larger group that wanted to cut class. Either way, no harm no foul.
The claims are unnecessary. There have been no attempts to "besmirch" this kid's reputation. In fact, all but some friends of his even know who he was. I do not. If anything, as this school does for any issue (including fights, threats, weapons on campus, etc.), the school went out of their way to make sure that nobody knew who this kid was, and that the student populace knew that he was okay, whoever he was.
All in all, the school did fine. And of all things to claim, discrimination? Before reading this, I didn't even know that the kid had mental issues, and I had to watch three different videos to figure out his race. As Taylor Swift once said, "you need to calm down."
a resident of Menlo Park: The Willows
on Nov 1, 2023 at 9:37 am
Brian is a registered user.
"For people to comment on non facts is showing why this administration and police can let the folks of menlo pay and hopefully it goes to truths." I am curious why you think the "folks of Menlo" will pay? Someone please correct me if I have the information incorrect but it is my understanding that this took place on the Menlo-Atherton High School grounds, which is in Atherton and part of the Sequoia HS District (Not Menlo Park) and the responding police were from the Atherton Police Department, not the MP Police. Not sure where Menlo Park factors into this...
a resident of Atherton: other
on Nov 3, 2023 at 7:50 pm
Anonymous is a registered user.
The lawsuit claim is appropriate: proper de Escalation training and behavior interventions would have prevented the confrontation. M-A may have a hostile learning environment where minority students feel unwelcomed and targeted, ask the students.
There are multiple issues here:
First, the public doesn't understand that a mental health disability exists which means the student has been identified to struggle with his social emotional regulation from past trauma, which is why learning how to work with this population is so critical. The administrator failed the test.
Second, the student's Escalation and behavior against the staff member warrants natural consequence, but not violence and handcuffs by the police. The police failed the test.
Third, the claim highlights systemic racism by schools in the district. The data on similar incidents should be available to the public. Rather than train school officials and staff about de Escalation and positive behavioral interventions they kicked the can further for someone else to pick up. The School failed the test.
This does not defend the students actions, however, it is unlikely, that the incident started on this day. It is evident that there was no established rapport between administration and student. There was prior context and harbored emotions that finalized in a staff member being spat on and verbally abused and a student being not treated fairly by the school and then physically abused by police.
Behaviors scream help, schools have the responsibility to try to help.
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