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Cyclists raise concerns about near-miss incidents on Kings Mountain Road in Woodside

Original post made on Jul 26, 2023

With the future of the ban on big buses on Kings Mountain Road still uncertain, members of the cycling community are sharing videos and stories of near-misses to show how perilous the winding Woodside street can be for bikes riders.

Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 9:13 AM

Comments (7)

Posted by MA parent
a resident of Menlo Park: Linfield Oaks
on Jul 26, 2023 at 12:23 pm

MA parent is a registered user.

Interesting that the Girl Scout leadership is prioritizing their convenience over the safety of bicyclists and other users. What's wrong with hiking in? The lower entrance is a beautiful walk, it could be a fun group activity for the scouts, and demonstrate a commitment to safety of everyone in the community consistent with the values and leadership skills that are at the heart of scouting.

Posted by Barry
a resident of Woodside: Mountain Home Road
on Jul 26, 2023 at 1:04 pm

Barry is a registered user.

As a cyclist myself, please hear me.

Right now, with Hwy 84 shut down, the amount of traffic that is forced onto Kings Mountain and Old La Honda has risen dramatically, because people have no choice but to use those roads.

There are plenty of beautiful roads we can all bicycle on. WHY are you all insisting on riding on Kings Mountain when the traffic situation is as critical as it is.

Eventually someone else will die on Black Mountain. And the cycling community will blame the cars… but form my perspective, it is really unfair for a few random cyclists to put their own daily bike ride in front of the needs of thousands of residents just trying to drive to and from their homes.

Also Caltrans needs to maybe fix Hwy 84 a bit faster. Come one guys wtf.

Posted by pogo
a resident of Woodside: other
on Jul 26, 2023 at 3:16 pm

pogo is a registered user.

Barry - I have been very critical of CalTrans but they have been working diligently on Hwy 84 and one lane will open later this week. The slide was a true disaster and CalTrans did a herculean job.

MA Parent - not every attendee of the Girl Scout camp is physically capable of "hiking" up that trail. Many do require a bus. The answer is for the camp to use smaller buses. Just as our trash pick up and package delivery services use smaller trucks in this area, so too must the Girl Scouts use smaller vehicles. Will it be more expensive? Maybe. But that's the price we pay for narrow, winding roadways!

Posted by been there
a resident of Atherton: Lindenwood
on Jul 26, 2023 at 3:24 pm

been there is a registered user.

Maybe the buses can enter Hubbard Park from the lower entrance on Greer Road. There is a locked gate at the entrance to the Park. Access to the gate from the Park can possibly solve this dangerous situation.

Posted by Spacetime
a resident of Woodside: Kings Mountain/Skyline
on Jul 26, 2023 at 3:55 pm

Spacetime is a registered user.

Always unfortunate for anyone to get hurt. Let us return to the first principles of why roads exist. Primarily, roads exist for transportation. Enjoyment of the scenery is secondary. Responsible government officials don't say” lets build a ROAD” for people’s enjoyment. No, they do it for purposes of transportation. What we hear about is biking is a form of enjoyment primarily and transportation at best secondary. Cars are primarily for transportation.

A vast majority of people agree on these purposes. So it's very clear on seeing who should get priority in such a situation in this specific case: the reason why the road was built, like all roads: transportation. Which is cars primarily. So us who enjoy the roads (this includes me) are secondary in such a situation. This is so obvious. At the same time, if this is someone’s big problem, the word “entitled” can easily be applied.

Posted by amhey
a resident of Portola Valley: Brookside Park
on Jul 26, 2023 at 6:25 pm

amhey is a registered user.

I agree with a couple of comments:
1. Greer Road entrance could be used for bus trips with bus parking and drop off at the bottom.
2. Hiking up the hill is good for training, exercise, etc.
3. A real problem I encountered is the light and shadows. I was driving up Kings Mt Rd years ago - after a lunch at Bucks - the sun was bright but as soon as you are in the trees you can hardly see. A roller-blader was going up the hill - I had to jam on my brakes as he had no light and in the dark trees it was very difficult to see him. Behind me was a lady on a motor bike she'd borrowed from a friend and she jammed on her brakes and fell off - a motorist coming downhill took her somewhere (hospital or Dr I don't know which) - she was too angry to accept help from me - fortunately her injuries didn't look too serious. So it is absolutely essential that cyclists going uphill have lights on their bikes.
4. I agree with the cyclists coming down - the curves are very tight and it only takes someone to cross the line - possibly to overtake a slow cyclist going up when one is coming down - and it's an accident waiting to happen.
5. An alternative might be to hike in from Raymundo, off Runnymede, off Canada. It's really not that far from the end of Raymundo to the Zwierlin picnic area and there are lots of trails to do tracking on from that approach. That would avoid Kings Mountain area entirely.

Posted by Bobnoir
a resident of Woodside: Skywood/Skylonda
on Jul 27, 2023 at 12:11 pm

Bobnoir is a registered user.

I began commuting to my work at Stanford from my home off Skyline Blvd. in 1984. In those many, many trips (I stopped counting at 10,000) I've seen every possible situation present it self.
Rule number one -- stay on the right side of the center line at all times
Rule number two -- unless you can pass another vehicle, be it four or two wheel, with the acknowledgement of the vehicle in front and a very clear and straight road in front for a safe maneuver, DO NOT PASS. A few extra minutes on the road is much shorter than dealing with an accident.
Rule number three -- read Rule number one.

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