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Original post made by Eric Mills, Woodside: other, on Jun 25, 2023

California Education Code 60042 mandates that, "Humane education and kindness to animals shall be taught in the public schools, K-12." Rodeos are harmful for animals and children alike. What a terrible message to send to impressionable youngsters (not to mention insensitive adults) about the proper treatment of animals.

Nearly EVERY animal welfare organization condemns rodeos due to their inherent cruelty. Yet, children's rodeos continue to flourish throughout the Bay Area: the June Livermore Jr. Rodeo, the Woodside July 4 Jr. Rodeo, the August Jr. Rodeo at the Rowell Ranch in Castro Valley, et al. All feature various inhumane events unrelated to ranching: "pig scrambles," "mutton busting,” "goat tying," "chute dogging," "calf riding," terrifying the animals, and endangering all concerned.

World-renowned animal behaviorist Dr. Temple Grandin has written that, "The single worst thing you can do to an animal emotionally is to make it feel afraid. Fear is so bad for animals I think it's worse than pain." That alone is enough reason to stop these cruel events. Adherence to the State Education Code would be a good start.

The powers-that-be must be taken to task on this: HARD, LARPD, various school boards, teachers, county boards of supervisors, humane societies, the religious community, et al.


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